whenever i write notes to myself, i try to keep them on this website (unless there is some reason not to), so there’s a zillion webpages in here that are no more than an unreadable 'braindump'! |
math and computer:
Some Stuff You Might Like To Know — introductory notes on various mathy topics
list of 20th century ideas
list of interesting, discrete, general systems of classification (including small integers and some of their properties)
startups (beware: these notes were written for personal use; they are not necessarily readable)
Some opinions in philosophy
/notes-business (beware: these notes were written for personal use; they are not necessarily readable)
See /notes-books.
i have a vague idea for a mathematical type theory based on a notion i have of a hierarchy of meta-referential systems. The project is to formalize my type theory.
This website has a lot more stuff besides the highlights on this page; see the /TableOfContents and /notes. These notes were written for personal use; they are not necessarily readable.
Here’s a list of all /RecentChanges in my notes.