Released and no longer actively developed:
Parliamentary Procedure Helper: keeps track of what’s going on in a meeting governed by Robert’s Rules
Voice Keyboard: virtual keyboard controlled by speech recognition
WikiGateway: middleware for programmatic interaction with wikis
EasyLatex: markup software to make writing math more efficient
autoc, an Octave/MATLAB program to analyze electroneurogram traces of coupled oscillators. This is the program that was used in V3 spinal neurons are required for a robust and balanced motor rhythm during walking movements. Here is the README, which includes installation notes for Windows, for the latest version, 1.0.1.
For more of my software projects, see projects/software.
/notes-computer-favoriteTools, /notes-computer-computerToolsIntro
/notes-computer-incantations various command-line snippits mostly for GNU/Linux
i use the Colemak keyboard layout and evilre with emacs (i wrote evilre). I highly recommend each of these because imo they make typing much more efficient.
/proj-plbook — lists of various programming language concepts and constructs, and of Turing-equivalent systems, and of sub-Turing systems (beware: these notes were written for personal use; they are not necessarily readable)
beginner tutorial on Haskell
/notes-computer (beware: these notes were written for personal use; they are not necessarily readable)
Oot (may never be finished)